Sunday, 5 August 2012

Introducing Hobbes

Hobbes is my teeny tine Roborovski. He's about 7 months old now and has been with me for a month or so. I found him after looking for a dwarf hamster to adopt on Gumtree, Preloved etc. I had no idea what species he was - I was hoping for a robo - but got in touch with the owner and a couple of days later she brought him round. His old owner was moving into student accomodation that didn't allow pets so she wanted to rehome him. Well, she was stood by the boot of her car which had a tiny Ferplast Combi 1 in it and the smallest nose I have ever seen poked out of the little plastic house. I fell in love before I'd even seen the rest of him ;) She handed him over and left... No goodbye or anything. Quite sad to be honest.

But anyway! Took him up to our flat and put him into the spare bedroom, my mind going a million miles per hour trying to work out what cage I can afford to get him. No way was he staying in the Combi! I later saw that he had that awful cotton fluffy bedding stuff, removed that, replaced it with tissue and put a wooden log in there for him. He spent the rest of the day sleeping with his chin resting on the wooden log. I put a sand bath in for him too as he looked really greasy. Within a few hours he looked much, much better.

Oh! Just remembered - he was called Stevie, not Hobbes when we got him but we changed his name after a few days of having him.

Anyway, here's his first video which shows his tiny cage -

We ended up ordering him a Ferplast Kios which is much, much larger than his tiny Combi and so far he seems to love it. It took him a few days to realise that he could dig in there (he had hardly any substrate, 1cm thick at best, for the first 6 months of his life) and subsequently covered my floor in wood shavings >.< I don't mind though, as long as he's happy! Here's his Kios -

He's settled in really well in there thankfully. I think he's enjoying his new home with us anyway :D

Bonus videos!

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